
A key factor in successful cultures


It can be easy to lose.
A sharp tone.
Discerning look of judgment.
Lack of response.
Ignoring, a rebuff, not doing what you said you would do.
Trust can easily start to dissipate in an organization when these common human behaviours become accepted, conditioned, taught and learned. “Researchers in neuroscience have demonstrated that the human prefrontal cortex is activated when there is a feeling of trust in others. This prefrontal cortex of our mind, just as easily as it can be activated, can equally be easily deactivated when there is a recurring pattern of fear.” Conversational Intelligence, Judith Glaser. When trust is lost, employees – your people – become wary, reticent, guarded, disconnected, hyper vigilant and fearful.

They close down.
They avoid interacting.
They become too careful in what to do or say.
Honest feedback is a thing of the past.
Organizations move to a factory model of do but do not contribute,
And employees become distant with their leaders.
The organization is soon run on stories, gossip,
Chinese whispers and fear; what will go wrong instead of what to do next.
Colleagues lose trust in each other, the team separates and the organization is plagued by negative thinking.
Building and maintaining trust with others is an imperative part of any successful organization.
It requires self-awareness of what we say and its impact.
It is important for trustworthy behaviours to be demonstrated by leaders and carried out through the entire organization. By modelling trust everyday for the rest of your team, you can maintain the longevity and vitality of your organization and it’s people.

Ask discovery questions to enhance a deeper connection with others
Be curious, while suspending all judgment
Practice active listening to really hear what others are saying and what you have heard
Build self-awareness of how you impact
Show empathy
Be mindful of your non-verbals
Take responsibility for what you say and do
Show you care
Show kindness
Take ownership
Contribute to a positive and trustworthy blueprint and encourage your team to do the same
Trustworthy leaders generate trustworthy teams and fuel long-term success.

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