
Always fashionable, always welcome


Kindness is rare. Kindness is great. Kindness is the work of honest and successful leaders.
In the modern world today where everyone seems to be focused on doing more, hitting deadlines, getting to the top the quickest, staying busy and ticking things off the list, kindness can unintentionally become a low priority.
Kindness is easy to implement and something you can start doing today.

Tell someone they are doing a great job if they are.
Smile at your colleagues and take the time to ask them how their day was.
Say hello to the people in your office when you arrive.
Say goodbye to the people in your office when you leave.
Have compassion when things don’t go the way they planned.
Look at your part.
Take time to process your feelings on your own and then approach people objectively, with no biased view hindering your ability to listen, to discover and find out about them. And if there is an issue approaching with kindness, open mindedness and suspending judgment will assist in finding a solution together.

Be kind to yourself, be kind to others.
As Anthony Robbins put it so simply “The quality of your life, is the quality of your relationships”

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